Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Okay, I know I'm using a Christmas picture for Valentine's Day, but I am known to be random!


Kathy said...

Love this picture!

Sadie said...

You are wearing red & that is indicative of Valentine's Day.

Sadie said...

Another message to say thank you for your lovely comment on my blog, it made me feel all warm & fuzzy...
Look forward to seeing your creations.

Borbe Bunch said...

Hi Melody!!
Thanks for sending me the link to your own little place :) Blogging is a nice way to once in a while, unwind and write down your heart...I look forward to what you share :) Much love and hope to see you soon...
Liz for the Bunch of Borbes

phil and shell said...

hi melody! yay for you on the new blog!! i'm assuming you've got the link to ours http://thesvobodas.blogspot.com

miss ya!
